Balancing Hormones Naturally Part 1

Ditching Synthetic hormones and going for natural supplementation

I have been preparing my body for a month waiting on this moment.  

I decided to ditch the synthetic hormones and quit my birth control I’ve been on for 2.5 years because I feel miserable on it.

I honestly don't know how women do this for so long, this affects EVERYTHING and puts your body into menopause and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING, like even my personality has change, it's scary.

I know there are huge medical reasons why women choose to be on hormone birth control, I respect that and by no means I want to start a debate.

But if we pause for a minute and really think about this: Can't we all heal from the inside out? like seriously, can't we find ways to harmonize our bodies first before we resort to going into pharmaceuticals that gives us terrible side effects? I'm sure some of you have tried to harmonize your bod first, and again not looking for a debate, I can only speak for myself, my thoughts and what my inner self is telling me.

But the more I think about this decision, the more I think about some many questions, like: Why we aren't given any other options? healthy/holistic options? you cannot get to the root cause of the problem unless you search for it and that takes work, money, resources, etc and some women don't have the energy to invest in this long process, we have been programmed to want things fast and fix things immediately but if you live a mindful life like I do, your inner voice will always be in the background and at some point you tune in and listen, I'm finally listening.

So here I am, with a decision finally made embarking on a new journey and re discovering myself, getting my true essence back.

Those supplements above is what I'm currently taking to harmonize my body, the reason why I got on BC was because I suddenly became irregular and even got to the point where my periods will last 3 weeks and I was feeling so tired and unable to live life.

But after feeling miserable, being tired all the time, putting on weight and simply not feeling who I really was once, I'm embarking in this new adventure but now fully prepared and read to balance and harmonize my body from the inside out.

In preparing for this journey, I changed my diet 4 months ago to a pant based diet, I start juicing and being more conscious about what I feed my body, the voice inside me said a few days ago: Ok Dani, it's time, let's do this!.

Follow my journey, I will keep updating on this new phase in my life



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