Happiness is an inside job

I'm now in the phase of my journey where I get to write about what I've learned so far and help people overcome their obstacles.

I remember those days of so much suffering, the type of suffering that makes you feel like you are loosing your mind and the kind  you can't seem to be able move from.



You can, you can move on from anything that makes you unhappy, don't be afraid to close doors and dont be afraid to say no and don't be afraid to shift yourself in a different direction if that's what you need to do to survive and to be happy.

But Dani, Why do we become so unhappy?

We become unhappy because we stop dreaming, because we allow other people to be in charged of our  happiness, because we allow emotional situations to get the best of us and destroy us, because we allow ourselves to get stuck and never seek out solutions.

We put ourselves in the corner and we never leave the corner, we are constantly punishing ourselves with doubts, mean thoughts, eventually we become so unhappy we destroy ourselves and then we get in this deep hole where we can't climb out of.

With our unhappiness we destroy ourselves

let that sink in for a minute...


With our unhappiness we destroy ourselves

Dani, how do I get out of this dark place?

1. You make a commitment to want tot get out, you cannot help yourself unless you make the decision to wanna help yourself.

2. You create a plan on how you are going to get out and follow it!

3. You better the relationship with yourself, if you create such a strong bond with yourself, NOTHING can brake that, NOTHING!

Let that sink in for a minute...

f you create such a strong bond with yourself, NOTHING can brake that.

4. You work on affirming yourself everyday that what you are doing is in your best interest.

Your thoughts match your reality.

again, let that sink in for a minute.

Your thoughts match your reality.

If you say everyday how unhappy you are, you will not become happy, you will become more unhappy. Watch your thoughts!

5. You live in gratitude

For every single beautiful thing the universe gives you, be thankful, even if you a broke and you find a penny on the street you tell the universe: THANK YOU!

This is where you start to see the beauty of life, you become so grateful that you have no other choice but to be happy.

What will you choose to change to day that will bring you more happiness?

Do you want to learn more about this mindset work?

Come join us in the group 



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